Our vision is to rise and shine for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ (Isaiah 60:1). Therefore, as a church we are committed to:
Teaching the Word of God- We believe that a firm biblical faith can only be generated from studying the word of God. A person life can be transformed only by hearing the Word of God and believing in it (Romans 10:17). Most important of all, a healthy church is made up of healthy growing believers who have been thoroughly taught the Word of God.
Making Disciple- We believe that becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ requires more than making a decision to follow him. We believe that discipling someone means teaching that person the truth, which involves modeling faith with our lives (Philippians 3:17). Every believer, young or old in their Christian’s walk, needs someone to show them with love how to live a godly life.
Proclaiming the Good News- We believe that proclaiming the good news of the gospel is not just for the pastor but for every believer. We want to do effective evangelism by learning Jesus’s ways from the Bible. We want believers to love the Lord, love their families, love each other and love their neighbors as themselves. Then, we want believers to believe God’s power to share the gospel message and not in their own power.